Hi all! I hope all is well in the New Year.
As you may know, we stock new comic books, which are released weekly on Wednesdays. Recently, our main distributor, Diamond Comics, has shut down the fulfillment center that is closest geographically to us. Over the past month or so, we’ve been seeing some delays (upwards to a week) for new weekly comics.
It has been getting better after the Holidays, but we’re still sitting a few days behind on new releases. Hopefully, things continue to improve over the course of the next month. If not, we will update with more information.
COMIC SUBSCRIPTIONS – the absolute best way to ensure you get the comics you want upon release is by starting a comic subscription with us. There is no added cost for the subscription, and we hold books in your own personal box until you stop in.
Please note that there is generally a 3 week period before a comic’s release that we have to get our orders in by, so there sometimes may be a small delay in getting a subscription initially started. The best way to reach us for all things comics is by emailing store@completeinbox.com , or by messaging us on Facebook (@completeinbox). Thank you!